Thursday, October 2, 2014


When creating a commercial radio ad, it is highly important you make sure you chose a good song, his is because if you don't the advert might not be as good of a hit as you thougt it might have been.
There is specific regulations regarding the use of music. This is because there is 2 different types of music that you can use in a radio ad, These are :

  • Royalty Free
  • Commercial Music
These different types of music are very different, this is because the royalty free music can b used as much as a Creative Producer or the client wants, but the commercial music is a very different story. The commercial music can be used up to 7 seconds for free, but anything after that is going to cost the client. This is because you have to pay royalty, these are forms of payment paid to both the producer and the artist of the music. This would intern raise the price of the overall advert. the reason why the client might want to pay this little bit extra might be because music i the advert makes it more memorable.

These are some of the legal terms used:
  • Licensing, this is encase you wanted to use a copyrighted song in your advert, you would need to get permission from the company that has copyrighted the song, but also from the artist themselves.
  • Strategies, these can be very useful because i you wanted to use a song that is copyrighted, instead of getting the licence to use it, this allows you to just play the song, but this can be expensive.
  • Fair Use, This is where you don't have permission to use a song, and don't have a licence to play that music. this is illegal but only if the music is recognizable.

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